News from Cenacle Treatment Center

  Need an Adjustment? If you are looking for an Osteopath in Stockport and you may be worried about skeletal problems or pain or may feel after exercise and job commitments, Clifford Lomas can help. Maybe this is a frequent pain brought on

Hypnotherapy    Unfortunately because of stage hypnotism patients have a skewed veiw of hypnosis and may think that this great therapy can not be trusted or even its dangerous. All hypnosis is self hypnosis and can be achieved in a

Finding The Source Of Your Fears.   Any problem cannot be resolved unless you get to the source of the problem. The same is the case with your fears. If you are serious about getting rid of those fears and lead a more rewarding life

Functional Medicine Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that

  Hypnotherapy Services Since qualifying as a hypnotherapist I have continued to update and hone my skills in the therapy field so that I am able to offer you a complete and full service.   Hypnosis is useful in helping with many

Mind Detox    We are all aware of the need to detoxify the body especially after Christmas or periods of over indulgence. And the practice of detoxing the body through various ways such as fasting, yoga, massage or even colonic

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