News from Cenacle Treatment Center

What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy: is a highly skilled hands-on form of diagnosis and treatment it is primarily aimed at the human frame, i.e. bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, fascia. Osteopaths are trained to locate strains, twists

Only two Consulting rooms available for Leasing.  We are very proud to be working with hard working Counsultants, Gp's, Dr's and therapists who hold busy clinics. Cenacle Treatment Centre has been providing Room Rental Services in Stockport

  Some Myths surrounding Colon Hydrotherapy   I don’t like anyone seeing me naked: Clients undress privately from the waist down and as the Cenacle Treatment Centre specialises in ‘Open’ colonics, the therapist never sees any more than

The Colonic Suite at The Cenacle Treatment Centre is the only establishment in the Stockport area that exclusively does OPEN colonics. We are also the only centre in the UK that has a machine especially designed for this

Bad Gut Giveaways: Bloating & Constipation Indigestion & Acid Reflux Recurrent Pain & Cramping Bad Breath Unusual Stool Movements Headaches Skin Breakouts Irritable Bowel Syndrome Allergies Weight Gain Colonics can help in

Colonic-Hydrotherapy# The colon may not be the largest organ of toxic elimination, but it's the most important. Some symptoms such as headaches are caused by severe dehydration and constipation caused by 1. Stress 2. Poor Nutrition 3. Lack of

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