News from Cenacle Treatment Center

What is Osteopathy? Osteopathy: is a highly skilled hands-on form of diagnosis and treatment it is primarily aimed at the human frame, i.e. bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, fascia. Osteopaths are trained to locate strains, twists, inflammation

Flavouring found in e-cigarettes linked to 'popcorn lung' "Smokers who use e-cigs 'are risking harm to their lungs'," the Daily Mail reports after US researchers discovered some brands contained diacetyl, a buttery flavouring linked to lung disease

Bayer Monsanto GMO propaganda The GMO industry has done everything in its power to defend its business model, including spending tens of millions on lobbying, colluding with an EPA official and even working to get its own officials into positions of

Room rental for consultants and Psychologists Hiring a Doctors Surgery by the hour Hiring a medical centre is now even easier, We can accommodate late bookings and hold numerous clinics based at the Cenacle Treatment Centre. Working with a number

MEDICAL ROOM HIRE# Hiring free Clinic Space When working at Cenacle Centre Stockport we can provide hourly slots for GP’s and Psychotherapists looking at running clinics with a varied start and finish times. Over the last decade this Medical Health

The FODMAP Diet FODMAP's are short for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccarides, Monosaccarides and Polyols. They are a class of carbohydrates found in a variety of foods. Pulling water into the small intestine, they can make you feel as if you

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