News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Counselling for Depression (CfD) What is it? Counselling for Depression (CfD) is a model of psychological therapy recommended by NICE for the treatment of depression and approved for delivery within the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies

Colonic hydrotherapy# £65 for an appointment Benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy Colon hydrotherapy can be beneficial to those suffering from IBS, flatulence, bloating, digestive problems and constipation. There are many other conditions where this

Counselling/Psychotherapy# Counselling effective in treating depression and anxiety Counselling is an effective treatment for depression and anxiety within a primary care setting, with 66% of clients achieving a clinical recovery within an average

Colonic hydrotherapy Now available. What is Colonic Hydrotherapy If a patient is suffering from constipation, it is most likely due to lack of water consumption and poor choice of diet. Faeces need fluid to pass seamlessly through the alimentary

Hypnotherapy can help Fear of flying Hypnotherapy Treatment for people who are nervous about flying is available at this medical centre. Hypnotherapy with Douglass Craddock Since qualifying as a hypnotherapist I have continued to update and hone my

Mental Health Awareness Week Surviving or thriving? Good mental health is more than the absence of a mental health problem. This Mental Health Awareness Week, 8-14 May 2017, we are going to look at mental health from a new angle. Rather than ask why

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