News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Stockport Osteopathy# Adjustment and Analysis with cliff Lomas Can this treatment be the one solution to back pain symptoms? No it can't be without the patient changing their habits which power symptoms of back pain. Poor habits such as posture can

Massage May Tuesdays and Fridays £30 -30 minutes( neck back and shoulders) and £40 – 60 minutes ( full body). Post injury sports massage with Annette Wrigley Massage available 9am – 7pm Tuesday– Friday Ease Painful symptoms with mmassage Many people

Acupuncture Sports Injury Acupuncture and sports injury with Rebecca Adlington The report released by the British Acupuncture Council has revealed that while almost three in ten Brits exercise more now than they did ten years ago, more than half

No more Stiff upper Lip# Stigma & Mental health The stigma attached to mental health issues is very prevalent in today’s society, and more so in the workplace, employees feel comfortable with illness if its the flu or vomiting, or migraine, but

Continued exercise ? Try Sports treatment When training for an event or keeping fit, any regular exercise can lead to tightness in certain muscle groups which intern can lead to  injury. For example office workers training for a Marathon can find it

Hypnotherapy with Douglass Craddock Since qualifying as a hypnotherapist I have continued to update and hone my skills in the therapy field so that I am able to offer you a complete and full service. Hypnosis is useful in helping with many issues

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