News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Why do people use homeopathy? A recent practitioner survey showed that patients consult with a homeopath for all sorts of reasons; those affecting many people included anxiety, stress, emotional issues and low energy. In addition there were

 About Homeopathy Homeopathy is a complete system of natural, safe, gentle and effective medicine. It has been in use across the world for over 200 years and every year millions of people are helped by homeopathy. Patients are treated as a whole

Anxiety and mental fatigue Mental fatigue Are you worried about being too Anxious? Is anxiety and negative thoughts bringing you to a mental fatigue? Many Anxiety sufferers use coping strategies such as exercise music etc to deal with anxious

What are the benefits of acupuncture? A growing body of evidence-based clinical research is discovering how the body responds to acupuncture and its benefits for a wide range of common health conditions. A lot of people have acupuncture to relieve

Symptoms of Anxiety Fear How do you know you have anxiety fear? Of course, it is important to identify the symptoms for this condition because only then can you make the proper diagnosis and take steps to improve your condition. Here are common

Anxiety is one of the most common symptoms. What are the long-term effects of anxiety? If you have felt anxious for a long time or you’re frequently anxious, you may experience additional effects in your mind and body, such as: problems

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