News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Weight Loss Weight loss  and exercise why is you're waist line not changing. To find out more about weight loss management and metabolic functioning. Find out more with BSC slimming clinic.
Private Mental Health Therapy Psychological therapy Talking to a Private Mental health consultant Whoever you choose in the specification of you're mental health issue be it a Clinical Psychology or a integrative counsellor. We are here to

Treatment for Back pain. Three treatments a Physiotherapists will use that can subside back pain, if tolerance to pain prescription drugs is an issue. Physiotherapy is a standard therapy  used in rehabilitation from sports injuries to RTA ( Road

Stroke and Acupuncture: The evidence for effectiveness In the West interest in the possible effect of acupuncture on stroke has been increasing over the last five years with much of the recent research being carried out in the Scandinavian countries

Starvation Diet. Diet not Treatment Starvation diet that can reverse diabetes but not Metabolic disorder Drastic, short-term dieting may lower blood-sugar levels, research shows Participants in 2011 study lost an average of 2st 5lbs over eight weeks

Psychology Psychology is the study of behaviour and mind, embracing all aspects of conscious and unconscious experience as well as thought. It is an academic discipline and an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups by

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