News from Cenacle Treatment Center

BBC report outlines that £30 million of tax payers money is spent on taxi's due to a shortage of non emergency transport. Obviously patients with serious illness have to be escorted to the hospital, but what other ailments can be better dealt with

Our resident acupuncturist Lin Du explains pain management through battlefield acupuncture, for immediate relief of pain instead of being dependant on pain killers why not try acupuncture. The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2002 released a

Pain management for abdominal pain A colleague asked me to have a chat with a client of hers today. This gentleman has suffered abdominal pain for quite a while. Due to ulcerative colitis his whole colon was taken out and instead a pouch was made to

Len saputo talks about pharmaceutical industry in America, in which he states it is slowly chocking the health care system through certain laws that are being passed through congress. to read this article please follow the  link below

Rate of Obesity is rising and the government may have a new stealth tax. As population rate rises so does are waist bands but is this proposal of a "Fat tax" has only seems to anger some groups.
Do you take prescription drugs for depression and suffer from panic attacks? We can help you, help yourself ! Homeopathy is a great way of balancing emotions,thoughts & feelings why not read more to maybe understand a different alternative

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