News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Take a drug to mask your feelings? or deal with them through supportive treatments Responsibility this word echo's from different aspects of society from what we teach are children to how we percieve ourselves. Though in this fast paced lifstyle

Therapy and the Changing of Perception what comes first? Perception is the catalyst of all thoughts and what we perceive as negative and positive some times can be clouded by are environment around us or the information we deem correct. Within any

Costly gastric band surgery in the UK is on the rise though is this a good thing? There seems to be a pressing need to chase the surgical option. Is this in the best interest of the patient? Why isn't there any other option for patients with weight

Happy world mental health day!
The sickness absence rate has been increasing every year, and a mainstream preventative measure for this is a flue jab each year to counteract this problem. Although we have this prevention measure people are still falling ill, so is there another

How our ailments can be a sign of unresolved emotional distress , to read more on this insightful article please follow this link

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