News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Bridging the gap between your health problems and the areas of your life that could be causing it! Homeopathy recognizes that with any chronic physical complaint there is always an ongoing mental/emotional issue that requires attention. Usually this

5 million people vaccinated homeopathically for Leptospirosis 5million reported to be vaccinated homeopathically in cuba for Leptospirosis ( a water born disease that effects their country every year) though the UK will not acknowledge the test but

Health alert for rowers It was so sad to read about this death after the successful outcome of the Homeopathic treatment for Leptospirosis in the 2008 outbreak in Havana Cuba which was found to have more effective outcomes than the pharmaceutical

Nothing is good or bad, but thinking makes it so! CTC wellness packages protect's the interests of your workforce, supporting workers who can't seem to "switch off" after work. A well rested positive worker is an efficient worker, don't let worries

Gastric band weight loss treatment on the rise for under 25? An extreme measure that only prolongs the symptoms of a metabolic disorder it does not correct the problem. To read more
EFT for Pain Management Emotional Freedom Technique is a therapy which is being used in NHS pain management clinics around the Manchester area. Our resident practitioner Amanda Kinane has had great success in helping people work through their pains.

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