News from Cenacle Treatment Center

Douglas Craddock our resident Hypnotherapist explains peoples different perceptions of hypnotherapy. All week Douglas will be giving the Cenacle members a chance to ask him questions on the benefits of this wonderful treatment.  to read more please

What Is Hypnosis? You may have seen many movies or television programs that involved someone being hypnotized. However, the popular views surrounding hypnotism in movies has clouded the truth about what it really is. Are there real benefits

TCM & mainstream medicines approaches to Fertility treatments Lin Du our resident acupuncturist has written a report on the effectiveness of IVF treatment an the subtle differences on how we understand the main stream and complementary approach

What is IVF, & how effective is it? You could say that IVF is essentially a numbers game – it increases the odds of success by increasing the numbers of eggs produced. This technique does not aim to affect the quality of the eggs; rather it aims

Acupuncture aiding Fertility Our resident acupuncturist Lin Du has written an article on acupuncture aiding fertility treatments . If you nee more information on IVF and acupuncture why not ask Lin a question
TCM, Fertility & IVF Traditiona Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture can be used to treat those who have been diagnosed with certain conditions or those who merely want some help to achieve natural conception. This treatment is noninvasive

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